yes… i’ve been away for too long but that doesn’t mean i haven’t worked…

here are a few lines about it…

first semester ended by february but one important event before that was the doctoral symposium: DSIE’10

this doctoral symposium is where all prodei phd students rehearse a conference from choosing committees, organizing everything, writing a paper and reviewing pairs, etc.

i confess my presentation didn’t went that good and i felt lousy afterwards…

i’m very much used to talk/present about subjects i’m really pro or at least very sure of myself and seems like presentations (doing it and speaking before an audience) always go smoothly… this was not the case…

first, i was not inside the theme so despite all lack of time for lots of other things and other curricular units, i was nor sure how to state my point of view moreover to talk about it in a coherent and transparent way…

people didn’t understand the message and they asked questions as if i was talking about lots of other things that where peripheral, accessories…

this really put me down…
i felt not only i failed to tell the message as well as gave a poor image about the research theme… and that is really bad…

later that day was the symposium dinner and i had the chance to talk to professor eugénio (i was sitting right beside him at the table) and that made me feel a little better as i talked to him more calmly and explain what i had researched and found and what were my core ideas… i’m really sorry that my supervisor didn’t had the chance to go to this dinner…

one of these days i will post more just about just and my presentation…

stay tuned… i’ll back in no time!